Name: Sausage Frittata



Yield: 6-8 servings

Comments: Served 11/6/2011 to Doug and family for Gail's birthday
12/13/2012 - included 4 sliced mushrooms with the green onions and garlic. Cooked on the stovetop 10 minutes after adding the eggs, and then put in the oven under the broiler for 4 minutes. Modified recipe.
2/19/2013 - Used mushrooms again with 8 oz Boca veggie breakfast links. Updated recipe.
4/4/2016 - Chopped potatoes into size of small dice, but still took over 10 minutes to be tender.
1/8/2017 - Used a 13-oz package of Field Roast Smoked Apple Sage veggie sausage and a medium-sized Russett potato. Potato was finely chopped and was tender after 10 minutes.
4/1/2017 - I forgot to get mushrooms and green onions, but substituted a half an onion, chopped. I used 12-oz of Lightlife Smart Sausages Chorizo, and doubled the amount of pepper. It was too spicy for Gail.
9/2/2018 - I made this with pre-grilled bratwurst and chicken sausage.
2/10/2019 - I used 1 pound of Lightlife Gimmelean Veggie Sausage. It was hard to cook, but tasted fine. It was difficult to keep up with preparing the next items to be added, but it all was tasty. We ate it with Chili Sauce.
6/12/2019 - I substituted breakfast sausage, a medium-sized Russett potato, and part of a yellow onion, chopped fine. We ate with salsa and ginger carrots.
7/27/2019 - I used leftover ribs and brisket from a restaurant, half an onion, garlic, green chilis, and six eggs. We finished it in one meal.
2/13/2020 - I used 5 medium red potatoes, cut very small, with Sweet Earth vegan “bacon”. Other than that, I followed the recipe.
4/20/2020 - I omitted sausage and used a full cup of Monterey Jack cheese. I only used two medium sized white potatoes. I could have used three.
8/10/2020 - I used three medium, white potatoes, cut very small, and half of a yellow onion with two leftover sweet Italian sausages.
12/29/2020 - I used three medium, white potatoes, cut very small, half of a yellow onion, chopped, and 8 ounces of mushrooms, chopped. I did not use any sausage. I forgot to cover the skillet. Therefore, it took 14 minutes for the potatoes to approach tender.
2/22/2021 - Real sausage again, 12-oz Aidells Chicken & Apple Sausage. And I substituted 1-lb of rutabaga for the potatoes and half a small yellow onion for the green onions. I used a 4-oz can of sliced mushrooms and 8 eggs.
5/04/2021 - I used 14-oz Beyond Sausage Sweet Italian sausage, 4 small to medium red potatoes sliced 1/8-inch to paper thin, 4-oz mushrooms, 1/2 small red bell pepper, and an extra green onion for garnish.
12/11/2021 - Changes from the recipe: 13-oz Field Roast smoked apple & sage plant-based sausage, 3 green onions, 4 oz mushrooms, 8 eggs, and 2% milk. I cooked the potatoes at No. 3. The sausage casings fell off while cooking; I should have removed them first because they were plastic.
2/23/2022 - I made a frittata with leftovers from the vegetable enchilada filling and the confetti rice from two days ago.
1/12/2023 - I used only two plant-based sausage links, being careful to remove the plastic casings. The thinly sliced potatoes were tender in about 8 minutes.
2/25/2023 - I omitted the sausage and added 6-oz of baby spinach leaves. They were added after the potatoes were tender, and cooked 7 minutes until they were tender.
5/7/2023 - I used a package of Field & Roast Italian Garlic and Fennel veggie sausages, 8 small red potatoes, 4 green onions, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 4-oz of mushrooms, 8 eggs, 1/3 cup of milk, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, and freshly grated Romano cheese.
8/17/2023 - I used two Field & Roast Italian veggie sausages, two yellow potatoes, substituted a couple slices of red onion for the green onions, and added some chopped cilantro.
11/26/2023 - I used 12-oz Field roast Italian Garlic & Fennel Sausage, 3 medium red potatoes and one small white, and 5 large eggs. With salad and bread, it fed 3 of us for 2 meals.
4/6/2024 - I used ham, 6 baby red potatoes, and 9 eggs, and substituted condensed milk for regular. I got 8 slices and 2 1/2 meals.

Source: Combination of and

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