Name: Cider-Simmered Brats with Apples and Onions



Yield: 5 servings

Comments: 8/10/2021 - I did this on the range instead of the Weber, browning the brats with the broiler. I only used 1/4 of a Granny Smith apple and that was plenty. It is not obvious which mustard ingredients are to be mixed in step 1; I did not have any apple butter and did not mix the mustards. We liked it.

9/6/2021 - I did mostly the same as last month. I did mix apple butter with the mustard. I used a mixture of onions: a sweet onion, leftover marinated onion from the fish tacos, and what was usable of an unused onion from Gail’s cooking. The cider gets tossed at the end.


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