Before taking the Moving House on a long trip, we like to do a short visit to someplace close to home to make sure that all is in order and that we remember our activities. This spring the plan was to go to Colonel Denning State Park near Newville, Pennsylvania. It has a small lake for swimming, trails for walking, and facilities built by the CCC. Furthermore, there is a Blue Beacon truck wash in nearby Carlisle where, after three years, we could get the Moving House cleaned again.

Unfortunately, in May our pickup’s new batteries went completely dead. AAA could not start it with a boost. The Ford dealer was able to charge the batteries, but could not find why they went dead in the first place. In that circumstance, it seemed better to camp somewhere close so that, in the worst case, the tow back home would be relatively short. Hence, we picked the KOA at Millersville, Maryland, just 20 miles from home.

We’ve camped there twice before. First, in 2011 for our first outing with the Moving House. The second time was in 2013, when this campground was mutually convenient for a joint outing with Doug and his family.

The office at the KOA campground

We found small problems, but no show stoppers.

During the afternoon of our second day, we listed to a hearing of the House Committee on January 6. Then Gail went to the pool and I went to the Nature Trail.

Relaxing after Moving House cleaning and pool time The left side of the Moving House, with the hood of our truck
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Part of the KOA’s Nature Trail

Wildlife seen on the Nature Trail
A dragonfly sitting on a leaf

Prepared by Al Holm, 2 July 2022